
Refinancing legal services in Palmerston North.

Your local Palmerston North law firm.

What is the process to change your loan from one Bank to another?

You need to discharge the mortgage on your property with your existing bank and register a new mortgage on your property with your new bank as well as swap your bank loan from one bank to another.

What are the steps required to refinance a bank loan.

  • Set your financial goals
  • Calculate your loan to value ratios
  • Check interest rates/terms offered by other banks
  • Engage a mortgage broker or contact other banks direct
  • Get in touch with us to complete the conveyancing required to change banks

Main areas.

  • Changing home loan from one bank to another
  • Discharging your mortgage when your loan is repaid
  • Changing names on titles (eg. Trustees)
  • Business and rural transactions

Lets get started.

2. Contact Terrace End Law

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